
The 300th Episode

Each time we make it to another century mark I am surprised that we are still doing this. I know that it isn’t always easy to make time to watch all of these movies and then find even more time to record these episodes, but I am glad that everyone has been up to the challenge, and these last hundred have certainly thrown many challenges our way. The bulk of the last hundred have been recorded remotely, with only a single episode taking place where we were all physically together. For me personally, having this show to look forward to each week provided a great deal of comfort during the anxiety ridden days of 2020/2021, and for that I will always be grateful.

If you managed to stick around as we worked through all the technical ins and outs of doing this show remotely, and suffered through us talking about Space Camp and 3 Ninjas while new movies were constantly being shelved, then we all thank you very much.

Now to start the next hundred…
