slasher films

The Final Girls

This is the last of our episodes from the “Cabin Chronicles II”, and it watching The Final Girls was one of the high points of the weekend. A tongue-in-cheek send up of slasher movies that avoids many of the cynical pitfalls that a lot of parody movies fall into. An excellent movie to watch with a group of friends.


Scream 6

This week is a very special episode with a very special guest. A huge thanks to Ryan L. Terry for immediately elevating the quality of our show. Truth be told, he is definitely too smart to be clowning around with us, but we appreciate him bringing his mad knowledge and love of the slasher genre as we discuss Scream 6. There isn’t a good way to write the title out the way the marketing team wanted, where we turn the “M” into a “VI”. Even trying to explain seems silly, but the this episode is top shelf.



In the past, we have not really enjoyed the movie of Ti West, but with X we were cautiously optimistic. West has always had a great visual style, and can make movies feel like they are from other decades without needing to remind you all the time that it is a period piece. However, his previous outings have left us a little empty. In classic COtR form, we did not all agree about how X turned out.
