The Best of 2020

It wouldn’t have been an accurate show about 2020 unless we had a number of technical difficulties. Hopefully you don’t really notice them, and if you do, hopefully you will please be very understanding. We still had a great time judging each other’s lists, while fiercely defending our own. We hope that your lists are full of all the movies that helped you make it through last year.



The Worst of 2020

I know, I know, how could anyone possibly complain about anything in regards to 2020. I also know that with the very long list a history changing problems last year, that our opinions on some of the movies seems pretty trivial. I can’t disagree with that sentiment. But getting together (virtually) every week to watch and talk about movies was one of the ways we found our own balance last year, so just bare with us as we discuss the films that were awful and the ones that “didn’t make us mad, they just disappointed us”. No, but some of those movies also made us mad.



2020: Odds & Ends

There will be an upcoming episode where we talk about the best and worst movies of 2020, but for now, here is an episode about everything else we watched this year. We watched older movies we’d never seen before, we rewatched movies that we had tucked away in the recesses of our minds, we binged watched season upon season of television. This was life for many people in 2020, and so we wanted to take a minute, or a 100, and discuss.
