
Oscar Bowl 2022

Roy is keeping his annual tradition alive, using Super Bowl Sunday as an opportunity to watch as many the years Oscar nominated films as he can. It is always fun hearing his recap and which of the films “won the day”. And it a rare twist, Roy and his wife disagree on the winner! Now you’ll have to listen to see who chose what!

(It was Kira…sorry Roy)


Oscar nominations 2020

It’s still been a little difficult getting back into the swing of things in 2020, but finally this week we were able to record our first new episode of the new year. To kick things off, we discussed the recently announced Oscar nominations. So join us this week, and we talk about what we agree with, and Drew talks about how let down he is by the success of the Joker.



Oscar Bowl 2019

Every year, Roy and Kira King choose to forgo the trappings of Super Bowl Sunday, and celebrate their own tradition of catching up on Oscar nominated films. First Reformed, The Favourite, First Man, and Roma made up the this year’s lineup. This week, we discuss this year’s choices, whether viewing all these movies in one day changes how you watch, and whether the boring Super Bowl this year was even more uneventful than First Man.
