
Oscar Bowl 2022

Roy is keeping his annual tradition alive, using Super Bowl Sunday as an opportunity to watch as many the years Oscar nominated films as he can. It is always fun hearing his recap and which of the films “won the day”. And it a rare twist, Roy and his wife disagree on the winner! Now you’ll have to listen to see who chose what!

(It was Kira…sorry Roy)


Oscars and Oscarbowl 2019

This week we discuss our feelings about the Academy Awards for this year. And because they moved the Oscars up so much this year, we will also be discussing Roy's annual tradition of Oscarbowl Sunday, where he forgoes all the trappings of the Super Bowl, and catches up on award films instead. What did you think of the Oscars this year? Were you happy about Parasite cleaning up in the major categories? Were you annoyed by any of the speeches or presenters? Let us know!

